Privacy Policy


The Website gentasvip.com / (hereinafter the “Website” or “the Website”), is managed by the company GENTAS VIP SINGLE MEMBER P.C. (hereinafter the “Company”), which is responsible for processing the personal data collected from you during your visit to our website and the use of our online services, i.e. all information that identifies you as a person or can identify you directly or indirectly.

The Company takes the protection of the privacy of your personal data very seriously and has taken all the necessary measures in order to safeguard the security and confidentiality of the information concerning the visitors / users of the Website.

Please read carefully this “Privacy & Privacy Policy” of our Website, in order to be informed about the information collected from you when you visit it and when you use the online services, the information posted on it, the use of them and your rights.

This Policy is subject to the information of data subjects in accordance with articles 13-14 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU 679/2016. If you have any questions about this Policy and in general how the Company collects and processes your personal data, please contact the Company at: [email protected]

What information our website collects

Information collected automatically when you visit and interact with our Website

This website is mainly informative, therefore, simply browsing it does not require the visitor to provide / enter his personal data. However, just by visiting and browsing the Website, certain information may be automatically collected that can identify you directly or indirectly, such as:

• The IP address of your computer,

• Browser type and operating system,

• The web pages you visited immediately before and after your visit to the page,

• The speed of the connection and information about the software programs installed on the computer,

• Basic server connection information and

• Information collected through HTML cookies, Flash cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies (see Cookies section).

For what purposes do we use the information we collect

To communicate with You

When using our online services as above, we use the data that you provide us with your consent to contact you, depending on the content of the message or the information you give us.

For statistical analysis

To learn more about how our Website is used by the visitors, we aggregate and analyze the data we collect. We may use this information, for example, to monitor and analyze the use of the Website, to enhance the website’s functionality and to better tailor the content and the design for the needs of our visitors.


By using this Website and without prejudice to the provisions of data protection legislation in the field of electronic communications, you provide your express consent for all the above cases of processing of your personal data.

Your consent can be revoked at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing of your data based on it until then. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please send a request to the Company at the email address: [email protected]

Regarding the information that is automatically collected from your browsing on our website, please refrain from visiting it if you do not wish for the collection and processing of this information.


When collecting information directly from you, we take reasonable care to determine which of the personal information collected is about minors. In any case, if we find that we have collected any personal information from a minor under the age of 18 without verifiable parental consent, we will delete the information from our database as soon as possible. If you believe that we may have collected information from a minor under the age of 18, please contact the Company at: [email protected]

Information & data exchange

The Company respects your right to protect your privacy and the information that concerns you. Therefore, the Company uses this information for the aforementioned purposes. For this reason, it does not disclose, transmit or make available the information about you accessible to third parties, unless it is required to fulfill the processing purposes described in this Policy. It does not also transmit this information outside the European Union.

However, we may make information about you available to other companies, applications, or persons in the following cases:

• To the extent necessary for the operation of the website and the realization of the purpose of the processing, the Company may transmit your personal data to third parties, such as information systems support companies. In this case, the Company will take all the necessary measures so that our partners are specifically authorized for this purpose and are fully bound by the confidentiality and obligations provided for in the legislation regarding the collection and processing of the above data.

• In addition, we may disclose information about you to investigate, prevent or take action in connection with illegal activities, if there is a suspicion of illegal conduct or criminal acts to the detriment of the rights and legitimate interests of any natural or legal person, in the event of a breach of the Terms of Use of our Website or if required by law, as well as in other cases in which we consider in good faith that the disclosure of the information is necessary.

• Finally, we may disclose information about you to respond to subpoenas, search warrants, litigation, court orders, legal proceedings, or other law enforcement measures by any competent authority, including the Personal Data Protection Authority and the Supervisory Authorities. Data protection of other Member States of the European Union, as well as to safeguard and defend our rights or to refute claims against us.

Please note that third parties may independently collect data, including your IP address and information about the websites you visit and the links you click, through cookies, click-throughs, or other links. media during your visit. For more information, see the “Cookies” section below.

How long time we keep your information

The Company will maintain the data collected from the Website only for the necessary period for the completion of the above expressed processing purposes and its lawful obligations. In case you wish to recall your consent for the process of your personal data, we will proceed in deleting them from the electronic and any physical files we keep, unless their maintenance is necessary as pointed by the law in cases of defend of our rights or our legal interests in court.

Security of information

The security of your personal data is absolute commitment for us. To achieve this, we apply all the modern and appropriate for editing purposes technical and organizational means, whose response and adequacy we check frequently.

Third-parties’ websites

The Website offers the ability to browse in websites of third parties through relevant links. Those links serve the purpose of the easier use of the Website, while the websites to which the users get redirect follow the privacy policies and regulations of the relevant companies. The use of the links does not indicate the consent of content of the respective websites by the administrator of the Website, who is not responsible for their content, neither for their practices of privacy or the accuracy of details they include. The Company has no control over the websites that belong to third parties or their content, the use of which happens through this website or is provided to it, and, therefore, the Company does not stand for, fund, counsels or takes any responsibility for those websites or their content. If the user decides to visit, through our Website, any of those third parties’ websites, he accepts that he proceeds in it at his own risks.

Your rights

You may exercise the following rights:

  • The right of access, in order to find out which of your data we process, the reason we do so and who their receivers are.
  • The right of correction, in order to correct any missing or inaccurate information.
  • The right of delete or, otherwise, right to be forgotten, in order to have your data deleted from our files, given that their maintenance and process is no longer needed in our compliance with our legal actions or the defending of our legal interests before the Courts.
  • The right of edit restriction, in the case of questioning the accuracy of your data.
  • The right to portability, to receive your data in a structured and commonly used format
  • The right to object, if you do not wish the use of your data for direct commercial promotion of our services, including the objection for profile creation. (We inform you that our Website does not use your personal information for direct promotion and does not proceed in the creation of profile using automated methods of data processing).

If you want to exercise your rights, you may send a relevant request to the Company to the following email address: [email protected]

The Company will make every possible effort to respond to your request within thirty (30) days after receipt. However, in the case of your request’s complexity or due to the amount of information, the fulfilment of your inquiry may not be achievable within thirty (30) days the Company bounds to inform you in writing within this time period about the reasons of the delay, as well as to make utmost efforts to finalize the case as soon as possible and, in any case, within  two (2) additional months.

The company preserves the right not to fulfil your request, in the case that it is defined as obviously unfounded or excessive, informing you about the reasons for the non-completion.

In any case, you maintain the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority. (www.dpa.gr).

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